Julia and Harold's Reception | The Intros and the Toasts

I like to stick my zoom lens on my camera and watching the bride and groom go around to the guests and make introductions and catch up with family and friends. It’s usually the perfect opportunitiy to get some good laughing and hugging photos.

A True Square Dance in Maria Stein, Ohio

Did you know that Maria Stein, Ohio is the capitol of Square Dancing? I didn’t. I also didn’t know that Square Dancing is much, much, much different than Line Dancing. I’ve photographed weddings in the Midwest for 15 years, so I’ve seen my fair share of Line Dancing…along with a few passionate renditions of “I’ve Got Friends in Low Places” but I had yet to experience true Square Dancing. There DJ told me that the call out recordings that he learned from were one of only a few in existence. Now, I’ve known a DJ or two that like to spin a yarn so take that with all the salt you need, but I thought it was a great experience and really fun to watch!

Pre Wedding Ceremony Candids | Julia and Harold

My husband calls it being a nib nose, I call it people watching. It’s been a love of mine since childhood and I love getting to do it for my job. These are always some of my favorite photos of the day.

A Wild and Free Spirit

Julia wanted to have a photo to show off her more ethereal qualities and even though she was barefoot she was willing to go running through this field for this sequence of photos. And I love her for it. These are so pretty. I hope she looks back at these photos of herself when she is 80 and looks back at her youth with fondness <3